E.A.C.R.A - The European Art and Conservation Research Association supports activities that as an objective preserve historical artistic heritage and protects the interests of its Art Conservator members.

Our association is a fundamental source for other institutions collaborating with international art conservators. We encourage our members to participate in educational meetings and international workshops through which expanding knowledge on art preservation and related techniques and promoting the Association's activities.

The activities are tailored for professionals in the sector but also artists and individuals, interested in the artistic heritage and its conservation, could apply. Indeed, the main purpose of the above-mentioned events is that of increasing the expertise of the techniques and of art materials, through practical experiences in the conservation-restoration field.

EACRA is a bridge to expand your international network

Our conservator members are involved in international events as they promote their field of expertise. During educational gatherings they provide consultations, interventions and professional knowledge on art preservation and restoration.



Connecting with Contemporary Artists

EACRA provides Conservators and Artists a chance to exchange useful information regarding art Techniques. During this encounters Conservators will have a close experience with Contemporary Artists painting methods, so to understand and solve some of the typical problems that nowadays Artists face.


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