1) Preventive Conservation: An art conservator must provide guidelines for safeguarding, recommend appropriate environmental conditions, storage, safe handling and display techniques, and transport. A commun cause of damage can be caused by sudden changes or inappropriate Relative Humidity for the object. Relative Humidity and temperature con mi monitored with an appropriate climate; a wet and dry bulb psychrometer, datalogger or thermohygrograph. These instruments will show changes that occur over a weekly or monthly period and provide more information on climatic changes. A stable and accepted standard environment is in a range of 50-55%, High relative humidity (over 65%) may cause mould and tarnishing meanwhile low relative humidity (under 45%) may cause drying, warping and cracking.
2) Documentation: The conservation professional is obligated to produce a written narrative describing the structure, materials, condition, and photographs. The document must have also justify and provide permanent records of examination and sampling. Scientific investigation and examination is an assists in the development of conservation treatment program while supplying information regarding the nature of the materials and the artist technique. Some of the Scientific examinations can be non-destructive while others require a sample. Ultra violet radiations, Infrared reflectograms and X-radiography reveal information concerning the support, pigments, underdrawing, pentimenti and paint surface. A sample is needed to carry out certain tests such as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) ; These will identify and furnish specific information regarding chemistry of the various materials like binders, pigments and stratigraphic analysis.
3) Treatment: A conservator must have professional conduct and only undertake or recommend treatment that falls within his or her range of knowledge and fields of specialization. A proposal project including a treatment plan that explains the objectives as well as a disclosure of all materials used for the intervention should handled and discussed with the client prior to carrying out the work. Conservators strive to only minimize interventions and make appropriate and respectful use of cultural property.